This dictionary is currently not sorted alphabetically. Dictionary entries may have incomplete definitions. Words may be suddenly redefined or given different wordforms.
- o: Ⓛ is a description/exegesis/clarification/whitepaper/definition.
- ola: Ⓛ is described/clarified/defined.
- ai: Ⓛ is a description/exegesis/clarification/whitepaper/definition of Ⓡ.
- io: Ⓛ is a description/exegesis/clarification/whitepaper/definition of Ⓡ₀.
- ie: Ⓛ₀ is described/clarified/defined.
Kanzeno Baakai Daknai Sekkibano Sekkibano Baakai Daknai Kanzenole
kanzen: (Japanese 完全, complete)
- o: Ⓛ is complete/whole.
- io: Ⓛ₀ occurs completely/wholly.
- o: Ⓛ is a shape/form/structure/system; Ⓛ has a shape/form/structure/system.
- ai: Ⓛ is the shape/form/structure/system of Ⓡ; Ⓛ has the same shape/form/structure/system as Ⓡ.
- io: Ⓛ is the shape/form/structure/system of Ⓡ₀; Ⓛ has the same shape/form/structure/system as Ⓡ₀.
- ie: Ⓛ₀ has a shape/form/structure.
kenn: (AP)
- o: Ⓛ is complete/whole.
- ai: Ⓛ₀ occurs completely/wholly.
sekk: (Japanese: sekkō 石膏, gypsum)
- o: Ⓛ is Sekkoic.
ban: (AP)
- o: Ⓛ is a language.
sekkiban: (C)
- o: Ⓛ is the Sekko language.
h: (AP)
- o (c): Ⓛ is something.
- ai (c c): Ⓛ is related to Ⓡ in an unspecified way.
- io (c 0): Ⓛ is involved in Ⓡ₀ in an unspecified way.
- ui (c 1): Ⓛ expresses property Ⓡ₁.
- ie (0): Ⓛ₀ is the case.
- uo (0 0): Ⓛ₀ is related to Ⓡ₀ in an unspecified way.
- ia (0 1): Ⓛ₀ expresses property Ⓡ₁.
- aqa (1): Ⓛ is a property.
seeb: (Hindi: sēb सेब, apple)
- o (c): Ⓛ is an apple.
b: (AP)
- o: Ⓛ changes.
- ola: Something changes so as to become Ⓛ.
- ai: Ⓛ changes so as to become Ⓡ.
- ui: Ⓛ changes so as to express Ⓡ₁.
- ie: Ⓛ₀ changes.
- iela: Some event changes so as to become Ⓛ₀.
- uo: Ⓛ₀ changes into Ⓡ₀.
- ia: Ⓛ₀ changes so as to express Ⓡ₁.
bauk: (Finnish: maukas, delicious)
- o: Ⓛ is delicious.
- ola: Ⓛ finds something to be delicious.
- ai: Ⓛ is delicious to Ⓡ.
pueg: (Reverse of bauk)
- o: Ⓛ is distasteful/disgusting.
- ola: Ⓛ finds something to be distasteful/disgusting.
- ai: Ⓛ is distasteful/disgusting to Ⓡ.
rubr: (Latin: ruber, red)
- o: Ⓛ is red in color.
sed: (Finnish: syödä, to eat)
- o: Ⓛ eats.
- ola: Ⓡ is eaten.
- ai: Ⓛ eats Ⓡ.
k: (AP)
- o: Ⓛ is I/me/the speaker. (first person pronoun)
het: (Japanese 人 hito, person)
- o: Ⓛ is a person.
suat: (Finnish istua, to sit)
- o: Ⓛ is sitting.
kauk: (Finnish kauko-, far away):
- o: Ⓛ is far away/remote.
- ai: Ⓛ is far away from Ⓡ.
gueg: (Reverse of kauk)
- o: Ⓛ is near/close.
- ai: Ⓛ is near/close to Ⓡ.
kul: (Finnish kulkea, to travel):
- o: Ⓛ is traveling/moving to a place.
- ola: Ⓛ is being travelled to, is a destination for a traveler.
- ai: Ⓛ goes/moves/travels to Ⓡ.